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4S Aluminium Suspension Pedestal Quick view

Scandinavian Seat Suspension Systems

4S Aluminium Suspension Pedestal

4S pedestal to elevate suspension seat pedestals to the correct height. The pedestal is mounted between the deck and pedestal base bottom plate. Suitable for jockey seats or boats where a high...

$215.60 $308.00
Vetus Vetus Seaman Boat Seat Quick view


Vetus "Seaman" Boat Seat

This classy mahogany brown marine chair is roomy and features extra padding to make those long journeys more comfortable. Its ergonomically shaped flip-up roll keeps you firmly in place, whether you...


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Boat Seat Cover Quick view


Boat Seat Cover

Oceansouth's Boat Seat Cover is easy to fit and an effective solution to protect your seats from weathering and deterioration. Available for small and large boat seats, these covers are...


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4S Low-Profile Slide & Swivel Base Quick view

Scandinavian Seat Suspension Systems

4S Low-Profile Slide & Swivel Base

4S Low-Profile Seat Slide & Swivel Base. High quality & heavy-duty boat seat swivel/slide by Scandinavian Seat Suspension Systems (4S). Manufactured from premium grade materials with electro...

$506.30 $589.00
4S Semi-Suspension Slide Base Quick view

Scandinavian Seat Suspension Systems

4S Semi-Suspension Slide Base

4S Semi-Suspension Slide Base. Add a slide and semi-suspension to your existing boat seat with this exceptionally low profile boat seat semi-suspension solution from Scandinavian Seat...

$607.50 $709.01